US Supreme Court rules: DNA collection after arrest is constitutional

 US Supreme Court justices, in a 5-4 majority decision, have ruled that DNA collection on arrestees is constitutional. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons, public domain)

US Supreme Court justices, in a 5-4 majority decision, has ruled that DNA collection on arrestees is constitutional.
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons, public domain)

WASHINGTON – In a 5-4 majority decision, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, DNA collection after arrest and suspicion of a “serious offense” is legitimate. Police can now collect DNA from suspects after arrest and prior to trial and conviction . . .

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2 responses

  1. I’ve always been that guy that has dismissed people that claim the US is becoming a police state, or that there are conspiracies going on. After today’s decision by the Supreme Court, it’s clear to me that we’re headed for a police state. I don’t get how Maryland v King could not have been seen as a violation of the 4th amendment. What scares me more is I sort of felt protection with those that are more conservative, but when the most conservative of the justices sides with the majority of the liberal justices…. where is America going?

    1. Thank you for commenting, Zactak.

      Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s decision, in light of the facts, proves they’re willing to not do what’s right–despite Justice Scalia’s strong, logical dissent. The end does not justify the means, but it appears this is the reasoning behind the ruling. The average American may not see how this will affect them, but if they’re ever falsely accused/arrested, they will.

      The question is: Why are the American people not protesting or making their voices heard? Could be in this internet age, they think sending a a tweet or posting on Facebook is all that’s needed.

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